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Intake forms tutorial

Creating and using intake forms.

PracticePanther Help Center avatar
Written by PracticePanther Help Center
Updated over 2 months ago

Required Plan: This feature is only available on the Business plan. Click here to read more on our available plans.

Please review this article to learn how to create additional fields for the information from your intake forms.

Create an online form to have your clients fill out. Once the form is complete the information will be saved on to PracticePanther. 

Please watch this video or follow the steps below:

Create your first form

1) On the navigation bar click "Automation" and then "intake Forms".

2) Then Click "New Intake Template".

3) Drag and drop the fields you desire from the left to the right. If you intend for this form to create a contact, we highly recommend starting your form with a "First Name" and "Last Name" text field, and make them required. 

4) Hover over the fields that have been placed on the right side and click a blue pencil icon to edit the fields. 

5) Different fields will have different settings available. 

6) To add a space in between a field drag a form description box and erase the text shown.

7) Now name and describe the intake form. There's also an option to create a task and send an email notification after the intake is complete. To assign the task to someone in your firm just click the drop down box and choose the user. Then, click "Submit".

8) This is where you link the fields on to PracticePanther. Start typing the field on the dropdown and click the field you wish to be the home for this information.

9) On the field "Intake Fields" we left it blank as there is currently no custom field in PracticePanther. If you add new custom fields from this point, be sure to refresh this page to be able to select those new fields from the dropdown menus.

Note: To learn how to create a custom field please click here.

10) The options below will allow you to create a new contact after the form is filled out and/or create a new matter as well. Also be sure to assign the records to someone in the firm. There's additional options to update a certain contact or matter currently saved in PracticePanther as well. 

Using the Intake Form

1) To use the intake form go to the white "New" and click "intake Forms".

2) Select the template you want to use by clicking the drop down box.

3) To use the intake to update a current contact and/or matter just click the drop down box and choose the contact and/or matter you'd like to update. This will update the link to the appropriate contact and/or matter. If this is to create a new contact and/or matter leave the contact and matter fields blank.
Note: If the form you're using is to create a brand new client, leave the "Contact" and "Matter" fields blank.

4) If you want to email this form to a client, copy and paste the link into your email. If you'd like to fill the form out yourself, click "Continue". You can even add this link to your website! Simply click "Embed" to see the link you can use to embed your intake form on your website.

5) This is the client perspective for the intake form. 

6) After the document is filled out they will click the "I am not a robot" option on the bottom of the screen, and then click "Submit".

After the Intake is completed

1) You or the person assigned to will receive a notification that the intake is completed. After clicking the notification this will direct you to the new contact.

2) Under the contact there will be a new task created. 

3) Also located under the tab will be the PDF version of the intake that can be easily printed out. 

Pro Tip: For walk in clients bookmark the link on a tablet and hand your clients the tablet. This will completely replace any clipboard and paper you used to hand out and bring your firm into the 21st century.


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