Having to check every matter to see which matters have available retainer or credit can take up lots of time. To fix this, you can take advantage of our "Batch Payment" options.ย
To use any available retainer on all your outstanding invoices, watch this video or follow the steps below:
1) On your "Invoices" page, change the "Status" filter to "Due".
2) Click the check box on the top of the list to check off all the listed invoices below.
3) Use the blue gear on the top of the list and click "Pay invoices".
4) A new box will appear asking if you would like to use any available operating retainer/credit or any available trust retainer. Mark "Yes" next to which account you'd like PracticePanther to use the retainer from.
5) Click "Pay Invoice using retainer/credit".
What happens now?
A progress bar will appear showing you how far along this process is. You can click "Keep working in a new tab" at any time to continue working before waiting for it to complete.
Back on the invoices page, after this process finishes, you'll see all the invoices that could have been paid off will be marked "Paid" if the balance reaches $0. This is the fastest and easiest way to insure all available retainer is being used to pay off any outstanding invoices as much as possible in just a couple clicks.