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Invoice CSS

What does the default code in the CSS invoice editor do.

AJ Sacher avatar
Written by AJ Sacher
Updated over a week ago

At the bottom of the page in your invoice options, you'll find our CSS editor, with some default code. This code points towards certain element that are already on your invoices, and allows you to customize them.

Please note that the ability to modify the CSS if your invoices is available on all of our subscription plans but only the Business plan offers help from our CSS team with designing your invoices. To upgrade to our Business plan or find out more, please click here.

Please refer to this article, to find out what code needs to be added, in order to customize (change font style, or remove) the elements on your invoice. 

CSS elements in your invoice settings: 

body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 - All the text on your invoice.

.table - All the text inside your tables. 

.table thead th - Just the headers in the tables. 

.summary - The financial summary box at the bottom of your invoice.

.summary p - The text in your financial summary box at the bottom of your invoice.

If you would like to completely refresh the CSS code, copy and paste the following in the CSS field:

body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{}


.table thead th{}


.summary p{}


If you would like to learn more about CSS customization within your invoices, please click here to find out more.

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