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Import error

What can cause an import error?

PracticePanther Help Center avatar
Written by PracticePanther Help Center
Updated over a month ago

Possible causes for an import error may include but are not limited to:

  • Make sure you are using the correct template.

  • You're using other characters other than letters, numbers, commas, periods, parentheses, and hyphens.

  • A cell exceeds more than 50 Characters.

  • Rows that do not contain at least the first name.

  • Matters without a contact associated to it in the same row of the CSV file.

  • Other matter items, such as notes, that do not contain a Matter: Name in the import for that row.

  • You have custom fields set to *Required and the import does not contain some, if not all, required custom fields in the excel sheet.

  • You're using other types of custom fields other than text field.

  • Not capitalizing the first letter of the Matter: Status column.
    It should be: Open, Pending, or Closed.

  • Date formats need to be: mm/dd/yyyy

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