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Time Entries

A comprehensive guide to Time Entries

PracticePanther Help Center avatar
Written by PracticePanther Help Center
Updated over a week ago

Please watch this video or follow any of the guides below:

Below you will find a start to finish tutorial covering everything you will need to know regarding time entries in PracticePanther. Jump to the topic of interest by clicking on a title in the index below.


Everything you need to know about time tracking.

Time tracking has never been easier! You can set an hourly rate for yourself as well as all other users, create convenient time entries, track time from any device, generate invoices, and compare time entries across users and matters.

Set your default hourly rate

In your settings menu, find the hourly rate box and simply enter your going rate.

Set the default rate for every user

Each user can set their own default rate using the method above. Alternatively, the owner of the account can go to the "More" tab on the right-hand side, select "Users". Select the user for whom you want to set the default rate.

Create a time entry

Click "+New" towards the top of the page and select "Time Entry". Select the Contact and Matter for which you want to create a time entry.

You can then use our built-in timer to track time with your client, or manually input the amount of time spent with your client.

You can select different users at different rates. You can add notes for each time entry regarding what you were working on.

Note: You may pause the timer and resume it as needed.

Through both our mobile site and app, you can seamlessly transition your time tracking from your computer to your mobile device!

Generate an invoice for billable time entries

Go to "Matters" and select the "Invoice" option on the matter for which you want to generate an invoice.

After you've selected "Invoice", simply click the "Generate Invoice" button.

Compare time entries by user or matter

You can view and compare the time entries by User by clicking here.

You can view and compare the time entries by Matter by clicking here.

Show a Free Time Entry on Your Invoice

When you create a Time Entry, change the Hourly Rate to $0.00. This is the only way the Time Entry will appear on the Invoice. 

Note: If you change the Time Entry setting so that billable is 'OFF', the Time Entry will NOT appear on the Invoice

Mass edit time entries

You can easily batch edit your time entries (for information on time entries click here).
Please follow the steps below.

1) Click on "Time Entries" in the top navigation bar.

2) Select the time entries that you want to edit. 

3) Click "Items selected" and choose "Edit". 

4) Select the items you want to edit by toggling their buttons to "Yes". Before saving the changes make sure the check box on the bottom is selected. 

What happens now?

 The edits you made will have been applied to the all the time entries that have been selected.

Keep track of multiple time entries

Using the PracticePanther Timer just got easier with multiple timers.
To use multiple timers just follow the following steps. 

1) Go to the timer located on the right side of any page on PracticePanther.

2) When adding notes to the timer this is what will appear on the description in the time entry. After starting the initial timer a blue button will appear above saying "Start Another Timer". 

3) The second timer will appear above the first timer. The previous timer will pause momentarily while the new timer runs. Once you are done with the timer click "Save" and the time entry screen will appear. 

More Time Tracking Tutorials:

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