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Fixing the "Reconnect to Box" warning

Fixing a broken Box sync due to seperate Box accounts being synced at the same time.

Adam Sibori avatar
Written by Adam Sibori
Updated over 2 years ago

You and your firm are using Box with your PracticePanther. You, the main Box owner, has it synced with PracticePanther. Another member of your firm decides they want to sync their Box account instead. Now there are PracticePanther folders in two different users accounts, essentially breaking the Box sync. Some users can see the files, others can't, it is a mess!

If you're seeing the Reconnect Box Sync error below, this may be the problem you're facing.

Cancel the Box sync for all users, and then download the data from Box (to make sure you don't lose anything).ย 

Delete the PracticePanther folder in the Box account of anyone other than the main owner of the one Box account that will be synced to PracticePanther.

Reconnect to Box from the owners account, (emphasis on ONLY the owner of the Box account. If anyone else tries to sync, it will break).

Using an Admin account, follow the steps below to fix your Box sync:

1) Go to "Settings".

2) Scroll down and click "Files and Documents".

3) Click "Cancel Sync".ย 

4) Go to Box and login.

5) Go to your "My Applications" page in Box and click the "x" next to "PracticePanther".

6) Click "Remove".

7) Click the folder icon to go to your Files.

8) Make sure the only user that has a PracticePanther folder is the Box admin. If there is another folder created in another users Box account, right click that folder, navigate to "More Actions", and click "Trash".

Note: If you have PracticePanther files within Box that you wish to save, download your files to your computer before removing the folder from Box.

9) Click "Okay".

10) Back in PracticePanther, the owner of the Box account will now click "Start Syncing".

11) Click "Continue".

Note: As long as Steps 5-8 were followed correctly, you can safely ignore this prompt.

12) Enter your email and password, and click "Authorize".

13) Click "Grant access to Box".

Note: When re-syncing, there's a small chance that a new PracticePanther folder will be created. If this happens,

What happens now?

Box is now correctly synced with PracticePanther, and all users will be able to correctly view and store files in Box. Moving forward, no additional users should attempt to sync their own account with Box.

But what about the old files you downloaded?

If you downloaded your files during Step 8, follow the additional steps to move them back into Box:

1) Navigate to your "Downloads" folder.

2) Right click your compressed "PracticePanther" folder and click "Open".

3) Right-click the "PracticePanther" folder and click "Copy".

4) Right-click and click "Paste" in a temporary location for your files.

5) In Box, click the "PracticePanther" folder.

6) Click "Upload", and then click "Folder".

7) Navigate to where you pasted your "PracticePanther" folder and select it, and then click "Upload".

What happens now?

Your old files will now merge appropriately into the new Box sync, effectively placing all files where they were before.

For more information on our sync with Box, click here.


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