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Making Quarterly Reviews with Intake Forms

Let Intake Forms make life in the office a breeze by letting it manage your Quarterly Reviews and facilitating the whole process!

PracticePanther Help Center avatar
Written by PracticePanther Help Center
Updated over a week ago

Quarterly Reviews can be a tasking process and it can be a hassle to manage them as well. With our Intake Forms, you can make the whole process a lot easier and organized by following these simple steps: 

1) Make a "Quarterly Review" contact. It can be called anything in specific you'd prefer but making the contact will allow us to organize the separate reviews.

You are going to now see the matters made by the intake form under the "Matters" sub tab. 

Build the Review! 

1) Go to Automation > Intake Forms.

2) Click "New Intake Template". 

3) Start making your review! You can use Drop down lists or Checklist (one or Multiple selections) to make your questions and then make options for the responses. 

If you don't know how to make intake forms, please see the intake form article here.

There's many ways to utilize the form fields to specify questions and information you need, like using the multi-line text box to let them type in a response.

Pro Tip: Best Practice for building quarterly reviews is making one of the fields a date field so they can put the current date. 

Once you're done you can name your review and save it!

Create and link your Fields! 

Now we have to link the fields by creating custom fields and linking them so we can have our matters showing exactly how we want. You can accomplish this by doing the following:

1) On the top left click on the your name and access your settings, and click on "Custom fields".

Pro Tip: To not lose your place in the intake form, click on "Settings" by pressing down on your computer mouse's scroll wheel to open the setting in a new tab. This works with any link! 

2) Scroll down until you see "Matter Fields" and then click on "+New Matter Field" and start making the questions there in the corresponding field type, and response to match your Intake Form. 

3) Once that's done, you can go back to the tab where we were linking our fields, refresh the page so it can recognize the newly created custom fields, and link them all. Then,

4) Make sure only "Create New Matter" field is marked "Yes", then click "Link Fields" to save the form.

Sending your Quaterly Reviews to your Staff

1) Click on the white "New" button on the top left, then click "New Intake". 

2)  On the "New Client Intake" pop-up, select the "Quarterly Review" form, select the contact "Quarterly Review", and make sure to leave the matter blank by clicking on the small "x" to the left of the matter box. 

3) Now you're all set to copy the link and send it out to your employees! 

What Happens Now? 

Now everyone will fill out the survey and you'll be able to see all of your review as matters in the "Matters" tab or see the intakes themselves in the "Intakes" tab. 

Pro Tip: If you'd want to make the "Quarterly Review" contact and it's matters hidden then you can assign only the Administrators under the "Assigned To" field for the contact. Then adjust the settings for the other users so they can see only the contacts their assigned to and matters belonging to contacts they're assigned to!

Simply make sure the boxes pointed out below are not checked for the role you are adjusting. For more info on security roles, click here.


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