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Troubleshooting Dropbox sync

Troubleshooting guide to your Dropbox Sync.

PracticePanther Help Center avatar
Written by PracticePanther Help Center
Updated over a week ago

Here, we will guide you through any possible issues that may happen or answer any questions regarding Dropbox sync.

I synchronized my Dropbox but it isn't creating folders in Dropbox.

1) After completing sync with Dropbox, please allow up to 10 minutes to fully synchronize. If you're still having issues, please continue through the steps.

2) If nothing happens after the 10 minutes you can force a sync here: and clicking "Sync Now".

3) Please, do not rename the PracticePanther folder in Dropbox, as this is known to cause issues.

4) Check your account at and verify that the PracticePanther folder and it's contents are showing up. If they are, you'll need to cancel the sync and enable the sync in PracticePanther again. 

5) Cancel your Dropbox connection with PracticePanther by clicking here: (Warning this will cancel your Dropbox sync with PracticePanther)

6) Remove access for PracticePanther at here, in the "Linked Apps"  section.

7) Next, re-establish your PracticePanther connection to Dropbox by clicking here, and authorize the app. Click here to learn how to sync with Dropbox.

What if my Files integration page is blank and I can't choose a sync option?

PracticePanther can only sync with one 3rd party cloud storage service. This error is caused when you've accidentally synced all sync options at the same time.

To correct this, simply click these two links: Cancel Dropbox. Cancel Box.

IMPORTANT: Please do not move or rename the PracticePanther folder or any of the contact or matter folders within the PracticePanther folder. Additionally, only the user who initially connected their DropBox account to PracticePanther should disconnect/connect the integration. If someone besides the initial user disconnects/reconnects the integration, this can cause an additional PracticePanther folder to appear. If you are unsure who the initial user was, you can check who the owner of the PracticePanther folder is within DropBox.


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