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Quickbooks integration tutorial

Anything and everything you need to know about our QuickBooks Online integration.

Seth B avatar
Written by Seth B
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Our Quickbooks integration allows you and your accountant to keep running your business using Quickbooks, the #1 leading accounting software in North America.

The integration with QuickBooks Online is a one-way sync. This means that PracticePanther syncs everything over to QuickBooks Online, from Contacts to payments made to your trust account. 

Note: Only one Quickbooks account should stay synced with your PracticePanther account. Switching between multiple different Quickbooks accounts for your one PracticePanther account may cause significant issues with the integration.

Note: Work done in QuickBooks does not push back to PracticePanther.

Note: If you do not use U.S. Dollar currency, you must sign up for your QuickBooks Online account before attempting to connect it to PracticePanther.
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Watch the full QuickBooks Online and Accounting tutorial:

Version of QuickBooks required for the PracticePanther integration

PracticePanther only integrates with QuickBooks Online Simple Start, Essentials, or Plus. Not a QuickBooks Online member yet? Click here to sign up!

Connect your PracticePanther account with QuickBooks Online

1) Go to the QuickBooks integration settings page, or click here.

2) Click the 'Connect to QuickBooks' button.

3) Login to your QuickBooks account and authorize PracticePanther to access your QuickBooks Online account.

4) When the connection is successful, link your custom bank accounts to your bank accounts in QuickBooks Online.

Connect PracticePanther Bank Accounts to QuickBooks Online Bank Accounts

Connect your bank account to QuickBooks to automatically sync bank account transactions from PracticePanther to QuickBooks Online. You can connect checking and saving accounts.

Note: Quickbooks credit card accounts can not be linked to PracticePanther, and will result in errors.

You can create any number of bank accounts to match the number of connected bank accounts in QuickBooks Online. If you only work with a single Operating account and Trust account, you can skip this step as PracticePanther creates an Operating and Trust bank when you sign up.

3) Connect the accounts.

Go to your PracticePanther QuickBooks integration settings page and select "Link your PracticePanther bank accounts' to your Quickbooks bank accounts", or click here.

Using the dropdown menus available, connect each PracticePanther account with the QuickBooks account you'd like those payments linked to.

You can also decide if you want your operating account payments to go straight into your "Undeposited Funds" account in QuickBooks instead.

Note: Accounts that are not matched will not be integrated with Quickbooks.

How Invoices Sync over to QuickBooks Online

PracticePanther allows users to sync their invoices over to QuickBooks Online to better manage their business' profits and loss.

Once the QuickBooks Online integration is established, every time you generate a new invoice in PracticePanther there will be a matching invoice on your QuickBooks Online account.

Any future updates you make to an invoice in PracticePanther will also update to the QuickBooks version of the invoice. This includes adding and removing items, applying or removing a payment, applying discounts, etc. as well as deleting an invoice, it will remove the invoice from your QuickBooks account.

How do I know if an invoice has synced to QuickBooks Online?

When an invoice is actively syncing to QuickBooks Online, there will be a QBO icon next to the invoice number. You can click this icon to open the invoice in QuickBooks Online.

How do time entries, flat fees, and expenses sync over to QuickBooks Online?

PracticePanther also creates items in Quickbooks Online. Each item is added to your Product and Services list in QB. You can then go into the list, and match each one of the items to the account of your choice. You can manage your accounts in QB by going to the Chart of Accounts page.

What if the invoice is not syncing to QuickBooks Online?

If you suspect an invoice has failed to sync to QuickBooks Online, you can do the following:

  • Check if your PracticePanther account is currently connected to your QuickBooks Online account. Go to your PracticePanther QuickBooks Online integration page or Click here.

  • You can cancel the sync and re-enable it again. When you do, go back to the invoice and force a sync from the 'Actions' menu. See below.

You can contact support if you still experience issues. Click here to send us a message.

How Payments Sync to QuickBooks

PracticePanther syncs all your payments to Quickbooks. This includes both operating account and trusts account payments. Remember: To sync payments to quickbooks you must match your bank accounts in PracticePanther to your bank accounts in Quickbooks.
As long as your integration between PracticePanther and QuickBooks is active, when payment details are updated in PracticePanther they will also update in QuickBooks. This also includes deleted payments in PracticePanther so that they are also removed from your QuickBooks Online account.

Operating Account Payments

Operating account payments in PracticePanther will be linked to the Accounts Receivable account in Quickbooks and will appear under the customer in Quickbooks.
This includes deposits and withdrawals from your operating accounts in PracticePanther, as well as transfers into and out of the operating account.

Trust account payments

Trust account payments in PracticePanther are added as a deposit to the bank account in Quickbooks that was previously matched and are also added as a liability to the "Trust Liabilities" account in Quickbooks. PracticePanther also links those trust account transactions to customers in QuickBooks which gives you the ability to see your full trust account ledger and balances by the customer in Quickbooks online.

Profits and Loss Report

Because of our full integration with QuickBooks, attorneys can now easily understand what Products and services is generating them money using the QuickBooks Profit and Loss report.

Bank Account Reconciliation in Quickbooks

PracticePanther integrates all payments to your QuickBooks account so that reconciling payments within QuickBooks become much easier. Quickbooks also links directly to your bank accounts. This allows you to quickly match bank accounts transactions to the payments you added to PracticePanther because they are already in Quickbooks.

This also simplifies your monthly reconciliation. Banks and credit card companies usually generate a monthly statement for each customer account. When you reconcile an account, you make sure that what you have in QuickBooks Online matches the monthly statement. One by one, you check the beginning balance and each transaction in the statement and compare them with your books. When you're finished, your books and bank agree with each other. Accountants call this reconciling or balancing your books.

When you reconcile your accounts monthly, your trustworthy books empower you because you:

  • Know your books are correct

  • Make tax time much easier for yourself

  • Make sure you're getting paid and you're paying your bills on time to avoid late fees and unhappy vendors

  • Quickly spot income fluctuations and respond wisely

  • Can take quick, informed, and decisive action when you see financial opportunities or possible danger signs

  • Catch bank errors that cost you money, like a wrong total for a deposit with multiple checks

  • Get better advice from your accountant

  • Help prevent possible fraud by employees, accounting professionals, or vendors.

Check out Quickbooks University to learn how to reconcile! Click here.

Reconcile in QuickBooks

To learn how to reconcile. see this video directly from!

You can also visit their complete article guide, here.

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