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Contacts tutorial

Creating and managing your contacts!

David S avatar
Written by David S
Updated over a week ago

Please watch this video or follow the guides below:

Below you will find a start to finish tutorial covering everything you will need to know regarding contacts in PracticePanther. Jump to the topic of interest by clicking on a title in the index below.


Importing contacts

1) Click "Contacts" on the navigation bar and choose import. 

2) You can import the contacts from a CSV file by using our template. Click "Download a template" and merge it with your client information.

3) If the contact has multiple matters please paste the name relating to the matter.  

For more information on the import process, click here.

Adding a new contact

1) Click "New", and then click "Contact". 

2) Type the information for the contact on the available fields. We do have custom fields available and to find more information on how to create them please click here.
Note: You can also invite your contacts to the client portal. For more information on that, click here.

3) In the "Assigned To" field you can add additional users to follow this contact. 

4) Once saved you will be able to review the information entered on the next screen. To edit the information, click the pencil icon, and to delete the contact you can click the trash icon. This page will act as a summary for all items related to this contact. Click into the tabs to review the different items for this contact.

5) The history for the contact will appear at the bottom of the contact.  
The history will show who created the contact along with who was the last user to modified the contact.

Add multiple people to a contact or company

1) Create a new contact, and select "Add a company".

2) Fill out the details for your primary contact. 

3) Click on "Add another contact to this company" to add additional contacts. 

View current contacts

1) To view all contacts click "Contacts" in the navigation bar.

2) To sort the contacts click the three little dots next to the field and the option to sort will appear. 

Create custom fields for your contacts

1) Go to the Custom Fields Page.

Here you can create fields in company, contacts, or matter to fit the needs of certain cases or clients.

2) Create individual fields as needed.

You can create as many Custom Fields as you like for all of your cases or clients. We'll make some custom fields for a car accident claim.
Note: If you want the field to only show for certain cases, choose the "No" option for
"Always Visible?".

Create as many as necessary for your cases.

Pro tip: You can change the order of the custom fields by dragging and dropping them. 

3) Create a group for your fields.

You can group your custom fields together to use as you need them. Just click the "Custom Groups" tab and select where you'd like to place the group.

4) Add custom fields to your groups.

Choose all the custom fields you would like to have as part of your group. Don't forget to give it a name. Most commonly, this name will be the type of case you'd like to use these fields for.

5) Add your custom field group to your matter, client, or contact.

When you go to the "New Matter" or "New Contact" pages, click on the "Custom Field" drop down list to add any of the custom fields or groups you'd like.

What happens now?

Now you can add all the information for your case without having to wade through unnecessary fields!

To view how to run a conflict check of your contacts, click here.
To view how to export all of your contact information, click here.


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