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Where can I see all payments?

Full payment history for all or specific clients.

Adam Sibori avatar
Written by Adam Sibori
Updated this week

PracticePanther has numerous pages and reports to view client payments. View every payment to your firm, specific bank account ledgers, or even a list of payments for a single specific client or matter.

To view all payments, click "More" at the top of the page, and click "Payments". By default, you can see a list of every payment in your account on this page.

You can also use any of the filters at the top of this page to find specific details and make a report of your desire.

  • Bank Account: Allows you to view payments related to a specific bank account to create a bank account ledger for your operating or trust account.

  • Status: The current status for payments collected through PantherPayments. To learn more about processing online payments with PantherPayments, click here.

  • Payment Method: The payment method the client used to pay you.

  • Assigned to: Allows you to search for payments based on users assigned to the contact or matter related to the payments.

  • Tags: Allows you to filter payments and other pages by tags assigned to contacts and matters. For more information on tags, click here.

  • Date Range: Allows you to filter by the date the payments were received or transfers were created.

You can also choose to look at the payment history of one specific contact or matter. To do so, open the contact or matter and click the "Payments" section under their name. You will have a ledger specific to their own payments as well as the aforementioned filters.


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