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Invoice Template Prioritization
Jazmine M avatar
Written by Jazmine M
Updated over a week ago

PracticePanther offers the ability to prioritize contact or matter invoice templates during the batch billing process. This ensures that your preferred contact or matter invoice template is retained in all invoicing scenarios, whether invoicing a single matter or multiple matters.

This option helps streamline your monthly invoicing by allowing your firm to create one batch billing process, as opposed to requiring a separate batch for each different invoice template that your firm utilizes. Invoices generated will use the specific invoice templates defined for the contacts or matters.

To learn how to set a default invoice template for Contacts and Matters, click here before continuing to read below.

How to prioritize invoice templates

1) Navigate to the 'Select Options' step of the invoice generation process while invoicing multiple matters (batch billing) or while invoicing from a contact or matter that has more than one billable matter.

2) Toggle "Prioritize Matter/Contact Templates" to 'Yes'

3) Click "Create Invoice"

What Happens Now?

Your invoice(s) will be generated using the template defined for the contact or matter, as described below.

Matter level invoices will use the template that has been defined for the matter. If no template exists for a matter, the contact invoice template will be used. If no template has been defined for the contact or the matter, the default template set in your firm settings will be used.

Contact level invoices will use the template that has been defined for the contact. If no template exists for the contact, the default template set in your firm settings will be used.

Depending on the options selected, these invoices will be ready for approval and/or ready to be sent to a client.

If you need any further assistance with your Multi-Matter Invoicing, please reach out to our support team by emailing

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